A Statement Regarding the Issues in Kenosha, Wisconsin and Across the US

I sat down to write this and honestly didn’t really know where to start. I’m a 21 year old white college student in Massachusetts who covers the NBA and is one day looking to make that my full time job. To be honest, I’ve never really been very educated on the topic of social injustice. I knew it existed, I knew it was an issue, but I didn’t know to what extent it was happening. 

Because of that,  I’m not going to sit here and lie to all of you saying that I was doing everything in my power to prevent it, because clearly I was not. I thought me being against it was enough. It is not.

Over the past few months I have been continuously surprised by the hate-filled and horrific acts of people in this country. A country that I was raised to believe is the best country in the world. That’s what all the old sayings are about right? “Let freedom ring.” “United we stand” “Sweet land of liberty.” I grew up in an education system that taught me all about these slogans and why they meant that the USA is the greatest. Now as I sit here during the summer of 2020, I just kind of laugh at that thought.

As I said, I’m just some random white kid who likes to talk about basketball, but I felt the urgent need to write about this issue. It has made me emotionally, mentally, and physically sick watching all the events that have unfolded over the summer. At times, it was honestly hard to believe any of it was real. I myself feel terrified, and I can’t even begin to imagine how it must feel for black communities across the country. 

The murder of George Floyd was a travesty, and it started a movement. The murder of Breonna Taylor was a travesty, and gave the movement further purpose. Now, with the shooting of Jacob Blake, I think every single person behind the movement is fed up. 

I was heavily disturbed reading about, watching, and getting details about each of these incidents, and can only imagine the number of other ones that have gone unnoticed. When I watched Kenosha Police shoot Jacob Blake in the back seven times, all I could do was sit there in awe. I still can’t comprehend how human beings can watch that video and see nothing wrong with the actions taken.

When police can continuously act this way and, for the most part, face little to no consequences, then there is a clear issue with the way our society is built. Change has to be made, and it has to be made fast.

Am I going to sit here and tell all of you exactly how this change can be made? No. Can I personally do anything to contribute to change besides vocally, financially, and physically supporting the movement? I don’t know. Like I keep saying, I’m just some random kid on the east coast who likes to write.

What I can do is make my small voice heard to any amount of people who want to listen. I will continue to cover the NBA because that is my plan for the rest of my life, but at this point in time, basketball is not a priority. How can basketball be important when there is an entire segment of the human race being constantly attacked in the United States?

I am not a part of that group of people. I will never know how that group of people feels on an everyday basis. I will never understand the fear they continuously experience in our society. All I want to do is learn everything I can, do everything I can, and help anyway I can to put an end to social injustice.

If you disagree with something I have said, I’m sorry you feel that way. I personally can’t grasp how another human being would be okay with how black people in America are being treated, and have been treated for the entirety of this country’s existence. Things have gone on like this for far too long.

I support the NBA, and I commend them for everything they have done, and continue to do in support of this movement. I am sorry that I can never understand, but speaking on behalf of myself, Jack Simone, and Banner Town, USA, I hope that I can help bring change in any possible way I can.

Jack Simone

Jack Simone is the founder of Banner Town, USA and now works across the NBA landscape. He is the site expert at Hoops Habit and a contributing writer for At The Hive. He has also spent time with CLNS, Hardwood Houdini, and All U Can Heat. In addition, he is currently attending Regis College to earn a Master’s degree in Strategic Communication focused on sports. Make sure to check out the From the Rafters podcast on all podcast platforms.

Twitter - @JackSimoneNBA

Business Email - jacksimone25@gmail.com


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